Ayurveda And The Long – Term Consequences Of Sinusitis
It is common practice nowadays to consider only the immediate effects of sickness, and in fact we are encouraged in this by mainstream medicine, which offers us medicines to alleviate each and every symptom. But what are the possible consequences of failing to address the underlying causes of illness at an early stage? Let us follow the typical life experiences of a sinusitis sufferer.
The story will often begin in early school days, or even earlier. The child develops one or more allergies, perhaps to heat or cold, dust or smoke. Even at this early stage the symptoms are often controlled by medication, perhaps by a puffer.
The immune system is soon affected and the child sneezes frequently. Before long the sneezing fits become more prolonged, often lasting for minutes rather than seconds. Next they are accompanied by a watery secretion of mucus from the nose. Frequent nasal blockages follow and it eventually becomes difficult or impossible to breathe properly, particularly when it is rainy or cloudy. Breathing at night can be a serious problem and insomnia often results.
Eventually the problem spreads from the nose to the eyes. First they can be seen to be watery, then red, then swollen. Hay fever type symptoms are experienced. From the eyes the symptoms progress to the ears and infections are common. It is not long before the whole face becomes swollen. Breathing becomes laboured and the sufferer is aware of the noise it makes, particularly when walking or engaged in vigorous activity. As this gets worse the noisy breathing is noticed by others.
By now the whole head is congested and this begins to affect the memory. As the congestion increases fever symptoms often appear, and the glands in the neck often become swollen. The congestion is made more severe by certain foods, such as bananas, yoghurt and milk. The digestion often slows down.
The sufferer’s capacity for work now diminishes and motivation declines. The emotions begin to be impacted.
More serious illnesses may now develop, such as asthma, bronchitis and lung problems. The sinus membrane has by now thinned considerably.
Most of us come across a sinusitis sufferer from time to time, and in many cases they will have been suffering for many years. It would be interesting to find such a person and compare their experiences with those in the example. When the problem has persisted over a long period damage to the sinus membrane will be considerable. The Ayurvedic approach to sinusitis treatment focuses on repairing the membrane but the response will normally be gradual.
The purpose of this anecdote is to outline the way in which an ailment develops and the possible consequences throughout life if it is not treated at root. It also aims to show that when treatment is started at an advanced stage it is impossible to hurry the process.

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