Are Menopause Symptoms Hereditary? How to Change Your Biological Blueprint with Ayurveda
Are Menopause Symptoms Hereditary? How to Change Your Biological Blueprint with Ayurveda
All information and resources referenced in this article, including medicinal preparations, exercise and dietary recommendations, are based on the opinion of the author. All content is intended to inform and encourage the reader to seek professional advice if the following conditions and symptoms are present. No information in this article should be considered a diagnosis or prescription and none of it should be followed unless a health advisor is consulted first.
Menopause is a transformational stage of every woman’s life. This condition presents itself approximately at the age of 50 when estrogen levels begin to decline along with the onset of various symptoms associated with this internal and physical shift.
But did you know that Menopausal symptoms are hereditary?
If you have experienced or are experiencing Menopausal symptoms now, you may want to ask your mother about the symptoms she experienced during Menopause. You will definitely notice some similarities.
But why are these symptoms hereditary? And what can be done to change them?
Why Menopausal Symptoms Are Hereditary
As DNA is inherited from our parents, so are various health conditions and symptoms. Menopause symptoms are inherited from mother to daughter and, according to Ayurveda, will almost be an exact duplicate of each other. The daughter’s Menopausal symptoms will not only be nearly identical to the mother’s at that time of her life, but they will also appear at the same age or a tad earlier.
Every living body system is the way it is because of DNA. DNA records and stores information, much like a black box records everything that occurs on an aircraft. Furthermore, DNA contains the instructions the body needs in order to grow, develop, function and reproduce. This vital chemical is responsible for the way we look, the way our genes are stored and expressed, our constitution, the building and re-building of cells and essentially the function of all things in our body. It is therefore responsible for the way our physical symptoms express themselves, such as the symptoms of Menopause.
DNA, essentially, becomes the determining factor of when a woman can expect her Menopause. It is this blueprint that can be altered or updated in the same way you would update a programme on your computer; you would have the same programme running, but it would function according to the newly updated information rather than repeating the same, old and outdated functions.
Breaking the Blueprint
Breaking your DNA blueprint can most definitely be done if the right conditions, treatments and techniques are applied. It was recently scientifically proven that DNA stem cells can be altered by factors such as the environment, magnetic fields, heart coherence and positive mental states.
According to stem cell biologist Bruce Lipton Ph.D, even hereditary illness that “runs in the family” is more likely to happen due to us believing that it will and thus propagating its existence, rather than the illness itself being out of our control. DNA is NOT out of our control and we are not the victims of our genes, but rather quite the opposite is true: we have the power to change our genes and DNA blueprint at will!
This information however is no news to Eastern Medicine practitioners. Ayurveda in particular has been applying and suggesting such DNA-altering treatments for centuries. It is known that our genetic makeup can be affected by negative states and altered once a positive state is adopted and once certain internal practices are applied.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Hereditary Menopause
Ayurveda can alter the way your symptoms are affected by your DNA by altering the way YOU affect your DNA. In the case of hereditary Menopause, to alter your DNA would mean to spare your children of the symptoms you have experienced and break the chain of chronic, hereditary illness.
Upon your visit to an Ayurvedic specialist, the practitioner will examine you, conduct eye and pulse readings, and determine your Dosha body type in order to make an assessment. Once you are assessed, the practitioner will then recommend one or more of the following treatments:
Ayurvedic herbs with DNA-altering properties are often prescribed, but depend greatly upon your assessment (this is why you must never attempt consuming herbs unless a professional is consulted). Such herbal treatments will change the neuro-cells and endocrine pathways that carry the inherited information and symptoms. These herbs may include Brahmi, Jatamansi, Gotu Kola and Shankhpushpi.
Before recommending any kind of DNA-altering diet, your Ayurvedic practitioner will have to assess your Dosha type, as certain foods may or may not be a good match. Generic DNA-changing foods include almonds, pistachios, buckwheat and pine nuts, all of which contribute to the production of internal tissue. A gluten-free diet is also highly recommended.
Yoga postures may be advised as part of your regimen. The sequence would include an initial asana (posture) and pranayama (breathing) warm-up, concluding to mudra (gesture position) and meditation. Some DNA-altering postures and breathing exercises include:
- Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
- Sirsasana (Headstand Pose)
- Uttana Padasana (Raised Leg Pose)
- Uddiyana Bandha (Upward Abdominal Lock)
- Ujjayi Pranayama (Conqueror Breath)
- Bhramari Pranayama (Bees Humming)
- Ashwini Mudra (Horse Gesture)
Repeating affirmations is a highly effective way to programme your mind and, therefore, your DNA. One technique is to repeat your affirmation 11 times before going to sleep, then 11 more rounds once you wake up in the morning. Once you make this a habit, you will soon notice a change in the way you feel and how your body feels.
Want to restore your hormones and reprogram your DNA? Contact us today for a free no-obligation discussion about how we can best treat you or visit our clinic for a thorough assessment and treatment plan.

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