Adrenal Stress – Its Causes And Treatment
Adrenal stress, or adrenal fatigue, is the term applied to a collection of signs and symptoms that are experienced when the adrenal glands function at a lower than normal level. This can happen after a period of unremitting stress, whether mental, physical or emotional, or as a result of an illness or a life crisis, or simply an ongoing difficult situation.
The adrenal glands are a pair of thumb-sized structures perched on top of the kidneys. Their function is to mobilise the body’s defences against every kind of stress – what is sometimes referred to as the ‘fight or flight’ response. This is achieved through the secretion of hormones that regulate energy production, muscle activity, heart rate, immunity, and every possible process that enables the body to survive the stress. However, over-stimulation which can result from excessive demands being placed on the individual can ultimately drain the glands’ resources, and adrenal fatigue results.
The sufferer may appear perfectly healthy and is frequently assured that there is no apparent medical problem, but the symptoms experienced are typically a feeling of general unwellness and constant exhaustion. The effects can play havoc with a person’s daily life, and can affect any organ or system in the body. For example, emotional stress can compromise the heart, while prolonged stress on the brain can affect any of the sense organs in the head. Extreme changes can take place in metabolic activity as the body tries to compensate for the decrease in hormone production. Anxiety and depression are common and many sufferers resort in desperation to stimulants or anti-depressants but this is likely to cause further problems sooner or later.
Certainly, there are a number of factors that can make a person more susceptible to adrenal fatigue. Ayurveda has always emphasised the need for a healthy lifestyle and this extends beyond a good diet and plenty of exercise to improve stamina and vitality to attention to daily routines such as ensuring the right amount of sleep at the right times. Ayurvedic treatment involves treating the organs as required as well as the adrenals themselves. There are some highly effective herbal medicines, in particular Ashwagandha and Amalaki, as well as a number of beneficial yogic exercises, such as the Corpse posture (Shavasana) and the Alligator posture (Makarasana).
Effective and lasting treatment of adrenal fatigue can be very demanding and is rarely a quick-fix exercise but a comprehensive individualised treatment program is the only sure way to go about dealing with the problem. If you are suffering from this 21st century stress syndrome call the Yatan Holistic Ayurvedic Centre on 1300 552 260.

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